The project foresees the following activities:
A package of methodological documents in support of the process of establishing IIoTNet
It will consist of:
- Onlinebased/desk research IIoTNet National survey concerning the SMEs’ situation in connection with IIoT technologies
- Publication ofTransnational report in support of SMEs in meeting the demands with clear overview of today’s SMEs’ situation in Europe in relation to Industry 4.0 in particular IIoT technologies;
- Mapping the strategy and development of Terms of Reference for IIoTNet;
- Development of the processes, policies and procedures for management and operation in an IIoT Handbook;
- Logical framework of the IIoTNet as an instrument for defining the network in a coherent manner;
- Action plans for capacity building of IIoT VET providers, based on organisational analysis of existing status at the initial stage of setting up the Network.
Design of a specialized social media for management and training – IIoTNet
It will consist of:
- Methodology for design and production of specialized social network for IIoTNet;
- IIoT Body of Knowledge which content is consulted by national stakeholder workshops;
- Development of online tool IIoT Learning Explorer that integrates the processes of e-career guidance, mentoring and graduate tracking studies;
- Design and production of IIoTNet specialized social media platform for management and operation of the network;
- Development of assessment standards for learning outcomes with Certification scheme for IIoT practitioners.
Piloting specialized social media for IIoTNet management and training
It will consist of:
- Elaboration of Report on piloting and update of management system of IIoTNet that will check level of strategy implementation, needed changes in the package of network governance and operation documentation and effectiveness of organizational analysis and developed Action Plans of each VET provider in IIoTNet.
- Producing a report on piloting and update of training system of IIoTNet that will check the integrated modules for career guidance, provision of training and learning services, peer counselling and opportunities for mentoring and industry placement, graduate learning and career tracking, viability of IIoT certification scheme.
- Guidelines for mobility, lifelong learning and EU funding in the field of IIoT that will present best practices and lessons learned in implementation of specialized social media and its platform.